Amanda Yacone

The Amanda Yacone Senior Spokesmodel team is a group of local high school seniors that represent Amanda Yacone Photography for their whole senior year! Senior models are chosen through an application process and receive a plethora of incentives! Enjoy styled shoots, make new friends (or join with your bestie), get some professional photos for the Insta, and more!  

Spokesmodel Team

Amanda Yacone Photography Senior

What is it all about?

Being part of a senior spokesmodel program involves several exciting opportunities. Participants typically attend a meet & greet event to get to know the team and other senior models. Throughout the year, they take part in a minimum of 2-3 mini sessions with the full team, where they have the chance to showcase their unique style and personality. The senior spokesmodels will delight in a stylish photoshoot experience, complete with professional hair and makeup services to enhance their natural beauty. As part of the program, participants work closely with Amanda Yacone, the designated photographer, for their senior year portrait session. They are also expected to post frequently on social media about Amanda Yacone Photography, helping to promote the brand and their own experience. 

What's Involved?

Being part of the senior spokesmodel team opens up exciting opportunities for individuals to be featured in prestigious national magazines such as Senior Year Magazine, Senior SZN Magazine, and Monochrome Seniors. These platforms provide a unique chance for these individuals to showcase their talents, styles, and personalities to a wider audience. Additionally, being a part of the team means frequent features on Amanda Yacone Photography's Instagram and Facebook pages, further increasing their visibility and reach in the industry. It's an amazing opportunity for these individuals to establish their presence and have on their resume for their senior year!

Get Featured!

To participate in the program, all you have to do is book your Gold Package Senior session plus a payment of $150. This will secure your spot and begin the exciting journey as a senior spokesmodel.  You can also enjoy a whirlwind of fabulous perks! From glam makeovers to striking poses for the camera, every moment is a snapshot of joy. And hey, who doesn't love a bit of swag and exclusive goodies thrown in the mix? Plus, winning prizes and nabbing discounts? It's like being a VIP in the world of seniors! Being a senior spokesmodel is more than just enjoyable – it's an eventful journey filled with memories, prizes, and discounts!

Investment & Perks